Splunk® User Behavior Analytics

Use Splunk User Behavior Analytics

Time-series models

Time-series models can detect a large amount of data leaving an internal source entity, that is going out to an external destination. Time-series models are created on a user or a device level, and can also be created over peer groups if peer groups exist.

The model creates a baseline per user or per device for a daily and weekly window. The model flags if the amount of outgoing bytes is greater than the baseline gaussian mean, by a ratio of threshold times the mean. This ratio is configurable. The amount of outgoing bytes must be greater than an absolute threshold, and if peer groups exist, then there is also a peer group baseline and threshold ratio for the peer groups.

The model runs over 30 days, and mines the feature fields in the semiaggr_s cube to detect unusual data transmissions. The semiagger_s data is configurable.

Time-series batch models in Splunk UBA version 5.3.0 include the following enhancements:

  • Models now handle different data transferring modes.
  • The interpretation of anomalies from the UI displays additional details.
  • Performance scalability significantly improved for large-scale deployments.

The following image shows how the time-series model might trigger Excessive Data Transmission anomalies to show in your Latest Anomalies paneI:

This image shows the Excessive Data Transmission panel populated with example data.

The following image shows a chart you can use to see a comparison of daily volume with the average on daily usage:

This image shows a comparison of daily volume with the average on daily usage, populated with example data.

The following image shows how you can check to see if the anomalies are related to any of the detected threats on the Data Exfiltration by Suspicious Data Transfer panel:

This image shows Data Exfiltration by Suspicious Data Transfer panel, populated with example data.

Available time-series models

Splunk UBA version 5.4.0 and higher includes the following four time-series batch models for data exfiltration detection:

Model name Description Anomaly type
Unusual Volume of Data Uploaded per User Model Detects outliers in the timeseries of outgoing bytes transmission by each user. BytesTransmitted
Unusual Volume of Data per User Model This model uses network traffic profiling. Detects outliers in the time series of outgoing bytes transmission by each user after profiling network traffic connection. This model only considers connections that behave as file transfers while ignoring other types of connections like regular web browsing and interactive chat/video connections. The purpose of this connection profiling is to reduce instances of false positives (FP).

This profiling feature is only applicable when network events provide information about the number of packets involved.

Unusual Volume of Data Uploaded per Device Model Detects outliers in the timeseries of outgoing bytes transmission per internal device. BytesTransmitted
Unusual Volume of Data Uploaded per Device Model This model uses network traffic profiling. Detects outliers in the time series of outgoing bytes transmission by each device after profiling network traffic connection. This model only considers connections that behave as file transfers while ignoring other types of connections like regular web browsing and interactive chat and video connections. The purpose of this connection profiling is to reduce instances of false positives (FP).

This profiling feature is only applicable when network events provide information about the number of packets involved.

Unusual Volume of File Access Related Events per User Model This model detects outliers in the time-series of the daily count of file related events per user. MultipleFileOps

Time-series model examples

The following image shows how the alert appears when there is a high volume of outgoing bytes for a user. Here, the user Claude Shannon has an abnormally high volume of bytes leaving the network compared to the weekly and daily baselines created for this user.

This image shows an example alert that appears when there is a high volume of outgoing bytes for a user. The user in this example is named Claude Shannon.

The following image shows an example of an abnormally high amount of outgoing bytes for a device.

This image shows an example of a device with a very high volume of outgoing bytes compared to the baselines established.

The following image shows the daily and weekly baseline values for outgoing bytes compared to the spike shown in green of daily and weekly unusually high outgoing bytes:

This image shows an example of daily and weekly baseline values for outgoing bytes being compared to a visible spike of outgoing bytes.

The following image shows the location of a user with an unusually high volume of data leaving the network.

This image shows an example view of a user's location who has a large amount of outgoing data.

Last modified on 01 May, 2024
VPN login related anomaly detection models  

This documentation applies to the following versions of Splunk® User Behavior Analytics: 5.4.0, 5.4.1

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